Sunday, March 30, 2014

Excavating a Secret Gas Chamber in Treblinka

The watershed discovery of Star of David tiles confirms the existence of Treblinka's gas chambers and becomes the key to reconstructing the death camp's sinister workings. It confirms what survivors, eyewitnesses, and captured Nazi guards described. 900,000 perished in this camp, it was destroyed by the Nazi`s in 1943 in their attempt to hide the atrocities / war crimes.  

The archaeologists who did the excavations received permission from the polish authorities as well as from Jewish leaders (Rabbis). This video is part of a program "Treblinka: Hitler's Killing Machine", aired on the Smithsonian Channel last Saturday (03-29-2014).

 Shmouel Vilinberg 91 שמואל וילינברג

Shmouel  Vilinberg 91 is the last survivor from Treblinka who lives in Tel Aviv with his wife Ada, also a holocaust survivor. He has been to Treblinka 30 times since the war and last year met with Caroline Sturdy Colls (forensic archeologist), who made the discovery, and always had a feeling that she will find something, based on her commitment. At the end she reached what she wanted, a proof to the gas chambers of the Nazi regime in Treblinka.

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